Symbolism Wiki

In many cases, black is used to represent bad people, mystery, or secrecy. The color black is in many cultures regarded as representing evil. In the Western world, many people wear black to funerals to show mourning.

In ancient China the color black was connected to heaven and water, of the elements, winter, of the seasons, and north, of the directions.


Black is a color that absorbs light in any part of the visible spectrum.


Black, night and other forms of darkness have associations with theft, crime, dangers and evil. In western culture, black is the color of evil, and represents evil demons.

In Asia, black is usually the neutral color, much like gray is in the west, while elsewhere it can range in all portions of the moral spectrum. In Chinese opera, black is a heroic color.

Death and Mourning[]

To mourn the loss of a loved one, people in the Western society often wear black to a person's funeral. Black contrasts with several Asian cultures wearing white to funerals, or African cultures using red. Lavender is a color used for mourning a hated one.

Fertility and Life[]

Due to the dark colour of fertile soils, black is often the colour of life. Such as in Ancient Egypy and Japan, opposing white as the colour of death. In modern day Africa, black frequently still symbolizes fertile rainy clouds.

Death and Inactivity[]

Black represents the aspect of Death.  Black may also symbolize inactivity as it has every color ever (no color), not permanently set to be one thing yet, something that could change to another.


Black is considered the colour of the sky in China, observed without sunlight. As part of the symbolism embodied within official attires of persons of dignity, black is often used for robes that cover the upper body, and likewise yellow for the lower body, as it represents earth. In the Chou Dynasty (1122 ~ 256 B.C.E.), the black upper robe is paired with a red skirt that covers the lower body, for the king; other lords had robes of the same colour, but tangerine-colored skirts.
